Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Student Observation Report Essay - 1012 Words

Confidential The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and the child. Student’s Name : Calvin Sex : Male Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool. Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day. General View : †¢ The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books, games, a computer and so on ) †¢ It was a pretty large group in the class, 13 children were there and the teacher was present as well. †¢ It was an engaged class, where the students were actively engaged in learning. Activities Observed : †¢ Class discussion †¢ Individual seat work Other†¦show more content†¦Comment Erikson tells us that for the children this age, it is a time for play not for formal education. Aspect: Social / Emotional Observation The boy did not want to share controlling the ‘mouse‘ with his peer. Comment Erikson tells us children in the intuitive phase (4 to 7 years) like him has a tendency to focus attention on one aspect of object while ignoring others. Aspect: Cognitive Observation I tried to influence the boy so that he wants to share controlling the ‘mouse‘ with his peer. Comment Piaget tells us that the children in the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years) are unaware of another person’s perspective. They exhibit egocentric thought. Aspect: Social / Emotional Observation The boy interacted with his peer about the letters. Comment The Kennedy Krieger Institute tells us that the children this age enjoy friendships, but these are generally one way friendships. Aspect: Motor / Sensory Skill The boy left the computer and moved to play puzzle. Comment The Kennedy Krieger Institute again tells us in its Developmental Milestones that the children this age can put together multi piece puzzles. Aspect: Health / Physical Observation I saw the boy losing some of his teeth. Comment According to The Kennedy Krieger Institute, the children 4 to 6 years old begin to loose their primary teeth andShow MoreRelatedHow The School Collects Data Measure Overall Organizational Performance883 Words   |  4 Pagesto consider before starting to collect data. When the school collects data, the school has to observe confidentiality. Therefore, when reporting data, it is important not to reveal students private information and only report on groups large enough to make it impossible to identify individuals. The school reports on groups that are twenty or more people and follows the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The school seeks permission from the administration and parents, where appropriateRead MoreProfessional Development Training Framework For Students1343 Words   |  6 Pagesindependent school teachers, community leaders and parents. 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